
Neville Chandler resigns from NRA

11-07-2007 | |

After 17 years of commitment Neville Chandler, director of the US National Renderers Association for Europe, Middle East & Africa, is resigning his job by the end of July and will return to Australia.

Chandler decided to move back to Australia and “enjoy life without the
hassles of government intervention in the use of rendered products”.

worked for NRA for 17 years in all, firstly as technical consultant
for 7 years (1987-1994) and then 10 years as regional director

The office in the United Kingdom will be closed. Discussions
are being conducted in Washington as to how the region will be serviced in the

In his last editorial in NRA’s periodical Chandler said the major
trust of his job was EU legislation, “keeping abreast of it and attempting to
ensure that such legislation did not impact on US exports to the

Politics changed the matter
“The feed industry
and agriculture in general was now becoming one large focus for political
action. No longer were agriculturalists producing more food for the starving
millions and attempting to do it in the most efficient way, production was not
to be done in a politically correct way.”

Chandler does not regret to go
back to Australia. “A lot of fun has gone out of the industry with the
introduction of stringent regulations […] and still people are starving through
inadequate food production. It’s time for a change”, he said.

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