
People: Biorigin appoints new sales technical manager

17-03-2014 | |
People: Biorigin appoints new sales technical manager
People: Biorigin appoints new sales technical manager

Biorigin is counting on the experience of Yunior Acosta Aragón to work as Feed Sales Technical Manager. Yunior has a PhD in Animal Nutrition by the University of Rostock, Germany and a M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering by Universidad Central de Las Villas, Santa Clara, Cuba.

Yunior has more than 25 years of experience in the market, with the last 9 years as technical and product manager of important animal nutrition companies.

In Biorigin, he will work as Sales Technical Management for European countries (the Netherlands, Spain, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Poland, Russia, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Romania, and Bulgaria) for all animal species.

According to the Global Feed Business Manager, Roberto Vituzzo, “hiring Yunior will help us to establish our position in Europe, providing better services to both customers and distributors. Yunior is an important addition to the team, providing technical services to all animal species, as we still need to expand our businesses in that region.”

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