
Video presentation: Antibiotic-free poultry feed formulation

28-02-2022 | Updated on 05-07 | |

In a series of articles we look back at the Virtual All About Feed Forum that took place for the first time in 2021. The event will return on May 12 2022 and we will look forward to what to expect at this new edition.

This week we highlight the presentation of Woulter van Hofstraeten researcher at Schothorst feed research. In his presentation during the Virtual All About Feed Forum 2021 he addressed the topic antibiotic reduction and talked about poultry feed formulation without the use of antibiotics.

The Virtual All About Feed Forum will return on May 12 2022, more information on the programme will be released soon.

Click here to get your free ticket and register for the 2022 Virtual All About Feed Forum

Marieke Ploegmakers Editor: All About Feed
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