
Video: EuroTier seminar Feed Efficiency

02-12-2022 | Updated on 05-07 | |
Video: EuroTier seminar Feed Efficiency

The seminar hosted by All About Feed during the EuroTier fair in Hannover is now available to watch on demand.

The seminar focused on the topic Feed Efficiency and 4 experts from the industry presented the latest insights.

Watch the seminar on-demand here


Dr Julia Hankel,
University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Topic: Feacal bacteria tell us how much feed the pig needs

Tobias Steiner
Product Manager Sangrovit
Topic: Improving FCR and performance in commercial pig production – a controlled field study

Kemin, 22/01/19 Foto: © Guido Van Damme - Studio Momentum 2019Deepak Dubey Sr
Product Manager at Kemin
Topic: Formulating ruminant health with choline nutrition for efficiency linked sustainable dairy farming

Karel Vervaet Senior
Product Specialist
Topic: Software as a driver to boost feed efficiency

Watch the seminar on-demand here

Marieke Ploegmakers Editor: All About Feed
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