
Creating value chains in protein industries

28-08-2014 | |
Creating value chains in protein industries

The 7th Protein Summit, held 18 and 19 September in Rotterdam, is a unique platform to exchange knowledge, share visions and gain strategy inspiration in the global proteins world.

Global transition is imminent in the protein industries. Security of supply of food and food protein is set to become an even more significant global issue. Demand for protein remains high. New high protein foods fuel growth in the food sector for more value added concepts. Consumers start to understand the importance and nutritional value of proteins, ‘Protein’ becomes a positive discriminator.

Keynote contributions include business managers and opinion leaders from Rabobank, Arla Foods, FrieslandCampina, DSM, Cargill, Danube Soya Association, Koch Membrane, Innova Market Insights, Wageningen University, Upfront, Ipsos, New Nutrition Business, Pulse Canada and many others.

The Protein Summit will attract top executives to work on consumer, retail, supply and sustainability challenges in the value chain in 3 different tracks. The combination of plenary sessions, specific parallel sessions and panel discussions guarantees dialogue and insights for all delegates. With over 150 delegates attending the 7th Protein Summit 2014 is the meeting place for industry experts.

The Protein innovation plaza with exhibiting organisations and new products will enable delegates to interact, form new alliances, start projects and create new business opportunities. The Summit is well-known for its excellent networking during long coffee- and lunch breaks, dinner and the opening reception. Taste 100 new high protein foods and new protein ingredients. Learn also more about ongoing research and projects at various research institutes and actively participate in innovation processes. Many opportunities exist for setting up joint research projects between research institutes and manufacturing and ingredient companies.

For full programme and registration: www.bridge2food.com. Venue & Accommodation, Hilton Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

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Fabian Brockotter Editor in chief Poultry World
