On May 27 2021 the first ever Virtual All About Feed Forum took place. A line-up of noteworthy experts from the feed industry presented their insights on various topics. All presentations of the conference program are now available to re-watch. Missed a presentation? or would like to watch it again? All videos of the presentations are available here.
From low to high contamination, simple to complex mycotoxins
Success Factors in Feed production
Holistic approach to enhance gut health, immune status and growth of young pigs
When feed safety and farm profitability go hand in hand
The pig gut function: protect, utilize and host
A novel fatty acid additive from upcycled food residues
Key challenges in broiler gut health
Does it matter if you feeds have mycotoxins?
Reduction of salmonella prevalence in poultry
Feed additives and their relation with antibiotics
Gut wealth is not having to think about gut health
Performance starts with milk
Decontamination on Location: EFS01
Practical examples of antibiotic free management
The contribution of the EU insect sector to the Green Deal objectives
Washington DC: Current state of play
The role of animals in circular food systems
Transmission of fusarium mycotoxins via colostrum and milk
Future-proof animal nutrition within the changing food system
African Swine Fever: the connection with the feed industry
Protein and amino acid nutrition in dairy cows
Poultry feed formulation in an antibiotic free era