
Video: The role of animals in circular food systems

10-03-2022 | Updated on 05-07 | |

In the run-up to the Virtual All About Feed Forum on May 12 2022, we look back at last year’s edition with a video series. This week in the spotlight the presentation of Hannah van Zanten of Wageningen University & Research.

During VAAFF 2021 Hannah van Zanten talked about the role of farm animals and their diet in a sustainable food system. In her presentation she emphasises the importance of using human-inedible-sources as livestock feed instead of feeding animals with products that are edible for humans.

All presentations of the conference programme 2021 are available to re-watch. All videos of the presentations are available here.

Next edition of the Virtual All About Feed Forum will take place on May 12,2022. Information on the program will be released soon. Registration is already open.

Click here to get your free ticket and register for the 2022 Virtual All About Feed Forum

Marieke Ploegmakers Editor: All About Feed
