
Transition cows in focus at dairy feed conference

24-02-2017 | |
Transition cows in focus at dairy feed conference. Photo: RBI
Transition cows in focus at dairy feed conference. Photo: RBI

New perspectives on transition cow management will be the theme of the next International Dairy Nutrition Symposium, held on Thursday 26 October 2017 in Wageningen, the Netherlands.

For dairy cattle, the transition period is an extremely crucial checkpoint of the lactation cycle. In a relatively short period of time, the cow endures a complex set of changes: hormonally, physically and metabolically, as well as changes in management, housing and nutrition. Even though our knowledge on nutrition and management in this period resulted in a lot of progression in the past decades, the highest incidence of health disorders is still found in the transition period. Further improvements are needed to increase cow welfare, lactation performance as well as dairy cow lifespan.

During the symposium on 26 October 2017, 8 experts from the Netherlands and abroad will present their perspective on various factors of transition cow management. More information on the programme, as well as the online registration procedure can be found at the symposium website.

This conference is organised by the Centre for Animal Nutrition in cooperation with Bayer Animal Health, Diamond V, and Zinpro.

Source: WUR

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Emmy Koeleman Freelance editor
