
Video presentations: Shifting to more sustainable feed

21-02-2022 | Updated on 05-07 | |

Last year on May 27 the first Virtual All About Feed Forum took place. During a full day programme a line-up of outstanding experts from the animal feed business presented their insights. This year the event will return on May 12 2022. In a series of articles we will look back at last year’s edition and give a preview of the new programme on May 12 2022.

Last year on May 27 the first Virtual All About Feed Forum took place. During a full day programme a line-up of outstanding experts from the animal feed business presented their insights. This year the event will return on May 12 2022. In a series of articles we will look back at last year’s edition and give a preview of the new programme on May 12 2022.

Future food systems

This week we highlight the presentation of Sonja de Vries, Assistant Professor at the Animal Nutrition Group of Wageningen University & Research.

Sonja de Vries opened the Virtual All About Feed Forum with an presentation on the transition of the food system. She talked about the role of animals in future food systems and discussed how to shift to the use of more sustainable feed resources.

The European insect sector

Next expert that that we will address is Aman Paul International platform of insects for food and feed Executive committee member. In his talk he showed that insects could play a important role in the transition to a more circular food system.

Next Virtual All About Feed Forum will take place on May 12 2022, more information on the program will be released soon.

Click here to get your free ticket and register for the 2022 Virtual All About Feed Forum

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Marieke Ploegmakers Editor: All About Feed
