To maximise animal performance, it is pivotal to optimise the first days or weeks of life (the neonate phase). Investing in young animals delivers greater returns, which is reflected in reaching slaughter sooner, heavier animals, better egg production, better fertility or higher milk yields. This special webinar will bring you all the latest developments and insights regarding young animal nutrition.
Stefan Alius,
Product Manager Poultry EMEA at Royal Agrifirm Group
“The economic impact of young animal nutrition. Why you shouldn’t mess up the rearing phase!”.
- Key points of proper young animal nutrition
- Economic comparison of effects of proper vs improper young animal nutrition / rearing phase
- Calculation of the long term impact
Dr Lourens Heres,
Manager Global Technical Support at Darling Ingredients
“How plasma proteins improve sustainability of young animal nutrition. Better health, reduced carbon footprint“.
- Review of benefits in young animals of spray-dried animal plasma
- How the active components in plasma affect local and systemic immunity and microbiota
- The role of bioactive animal proteins in reduction of antibiotic use and zinc replacement
- Relative low carbon footprint of land animal proteins
Marieke Ploegmakers,
Editor for All About Feed
Anne Huting, PhD,
Researcher Swine Nutrition at Schothorst Feed Research
“How to prepare a piglet for a successful weaning?”
- The various pre-weaning feeding strategies
- The importance of a transition diet around the time of weaning
This webinar is supported by